
The MANGO tree is an evergreen.

We prepare and execute development project proposals eligible for grants or concessional loans. Our clients are:

  • Ministries of Health, Education, Transport and the Environment in developing countries that want to propose a project to donor organizations.
  • Companies in the North that want to execute development projects in the South with support from Development Cooperation.
  • National and international organizations that need socio-economic research done.

MANGO Consult gathers stakeholder views, organizes ideas, consults international specialists, designs proposals, obtains grants, arranges commercial loans and credit insurance, communicates between project owners and funders and sometimes participates in the execution of the projects.

Our strength is to translate the objectives of our clients into the language of the desired distant partners. Please have a look at the mango tree build up:

  • MANGO Consult has its roots both in the Netherlands and in several developing countries.
  • The stem consists of U$ 93 M worth of grants for clients in developing countries over the last 7 years.
  • The branches include health, rural development, (distance) education and environmental projects.
  • Our fruits are development projects of a variety of colours and sizes.
  • The flowers of the tree are the projects you have in mind.
  • The offshoots are small cultural and humanitarian projects we support.